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Unlocking Potential: The Untapped Talent of Ultra-Orthodox Junior Developers


In the last three months, I’ve embarked on a fascinating journey—interviewing over a hundred junior developers from the ultra-Orthodox sector who had just completed their seminary studies. These are women who, until recently, had never been interviewed elsewhere, barely interacted with men outside their community, and were stepping into a world vastly different from the sheltered educational environments they were accustomed to.

This experience wasn’t just an eye-opener for me; it was a deep dive into a pool of untapped potential and a lesson in the true meaning of ‘mastery’ and ‘grasp’ of subject matter.

Understanding Beyond the Technical

One of the first lessons I learned is that being ‘proficient’ in material doesn’t just mean understanding it well—it means integrating it deeply into one’s way of thinking. For these women, their early 20s aren’t just the end of their adolescence; they are already responsible adults in their community, often running households even before marriage. Their maturity and responsibility are intrinsic, not imposed, perhaps even reversing the order we are accustomed to.

Moreover, I discovered that these candidates, while respectful of authority, are not shy about expressing their opinions. They value authenticity and direct communication, qualities that are gold in the tech industry where clarity and assertiveness can drive projects forward.

Challenging Conventional Hobbies

Discussing hobbies brought another revelation. For many of these women, the concept of a ‘hobby’ almost bordered on taboo—it took time for them to understand that hobbies aren’t just for the idle but are crucial for well-rounded personal development. They enrich one's life, offering balance and often, a creative outlet that complements professional work.

Through our conversations, I heard about amazing hobbies—playing uncommon musical instruments, making clothes (incredibly cost-effective!), solving Sudoku puzzles, and yes, even chatting with friends on the phone, which seems almost quaint in our digital age. Interestingly, the lack of smartphones doesn’t hold them back but rather frees up significant time for these enriching activities, like reading, puzzle-solving, real conversations, and of course, their work.

The Professional Pathway

It’s widely known that the range of ‘high-end’ professions open to ultra-Orthodox women is limited. Beyond teaching, the options reduce to accountancy or software engineering. My goal was to identify those who truly enjoyed the software profession, not just those who entered it by default.

After countless sessions, tests, and interviews, I found ten candidates. They were smart, witty, boldly cheeky, with a sparkle in their eyes and a genuine hunger to succeed. All of them were accepted into high-tech companies, my clients, who recognized the immense potential in hiring ultra-Orthodox junior developers, just as I had.

The Unseen Benefits

These companies didn’t just hire good candidates; they embraced individuals who brought unique perspectives and a fresh zeal to their teams. The charm and dedication of these new hires were irresistible.

Through this extensive interview process, what became crystal clear is the critical role that environments, where openness to diverse backgrounds thrives, play in harnessing untapped talent. The tech industry, known for its fast pace and constant innovation, stands to gain immensely from integrating such multifaceted individuals.

Conclusion: A Call for Inclusivity

This journey has not only been about filling positions but also about challenging stereotypes and breaking barriers. It’s a testament to the fact that the tech sector can significantly benefit from broader inclusivity, particularly from communities that have historically been underrepresented.

As we move forward, let’s continue to open doors, challenge our assumptions, and welcome the myriad talents waiting just on the periphery of our usual recruitment networks. The potential for growth, innovation, and enrichment is enormous, and it’s time for the entire industry to benefit from this untapped well of resources.


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